Please go go our website to learn more and see our recent adventures!

Here's to the corkscrew,

a useful key to unlock the storehouse of wit,

the treasury of laughter, the front door of fellowship,

and the gate of pleasant folly.

~ W.E.P. French

Corkscrew Adventures provides unique wine related dining, corporate and traveling adventures. It was created in late 2008 by Anne Laureano at the request of friends and business colleagues who love her sense of adventure, travel and awesome entertainment capabilities.

As W.E.P. French says, opening a bottle of wine leads to many things. A picture speaks a thousand words. Check out some of our adventures:


This is very old wine. I hope you will like it."
~ Count Dracula in Dracula (1931)

"I'm drinking some wine, eating some cheese, and catching some rays, you know..."
~ Oddball in Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Come quickly, I'm tasting stars!
~ Dom Perignon

Dinners, trips and events are custom coordinated and our database is private to maintain the privacy of our clientele. Please contact Anne at anne.laureano@gmail.com if you are interested in our events. Who knows, you may find yourself drinking what Jefferson drinks … or dining by candlelight in a Napa Vineyard like a Spanish colonial ....

Wino forever.
~ Johnny Depp

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